1967 – Alberta v.2

Ernest Manning aims to lead his Social Credit party into an unprecedented ninth consecutive term in government. Can the Liberals, NDP, and transformed PCs – led by the charismatic Peter Lougheed – succeed in pushing Social Credit into minority status, or will they once again be crushed by the Social Credit machine which has dominated Alberta since 1935?

v.2 – Very small update with some amended surrogate stats/descriptions.

US Election 2004: Gore Referendum (A.H, Gore Wins 2000)

Compatible with 3.1.1

This is an alternate-history campaign.

then-Vice President Al Gore was narrowly elected in 2000, and since then has been a fairly stable, if boring, President, governing more-or-less as a third Clinton term. Can the Democrats do what the Republicans couldn’t in 1992, and have a fourth term in a row?

Democratic Candidates:

Al Gore

Republican Candidates:

John McCain

George W. Bush

Newt Gingrich

Steve Forbes

George Pataki

Alan Keyes

Bob Dornan

General Election Screenshot:

Republican Primary Screenshot:

US Election 1980: The Comeback (A.H, Ford Wins 1976)

Compatible with 3.1.1

This is an alternate-history campaign.

President Gerald Ford was narrowly elected in 1976, and since then has been President during an economic stagnation. Can the Republicans hold on, and if they do, will it be at the cost of Reagan becoming the nominee? The Democrats have finally secured Teddy Kennedy for the nomination, but can Kennedy do it? You decide.

Democratic Nominees:

Senator Ted Kennedy

Former Govenor George Wallace

Govenor Jerry Brown

Govenor Hugh Carey

Senator Gary Hart

Senator Adlai Stevenson III

Senator William Proxmire

Republican Nominees:

Former Governor. Ronald Reagan

Vice President Bob Dole

Former Representative George Bush

Former Govenor John Connally

Representative John Anderson

Ambassador Ben Fernadez

General Election:

Democratic Primary:

Republican Primary:

2009 – Germany (Popular Vote only)

Germany has had a bumpy ride through the world economic crisis, but citizens are mostly satisfied with Chancellor Merkel’s handling of the crisis. Yet the Grand Coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD is unwilling to continue. Parties are searching for controversial issues to fight it out. Merkel seeks to keep power with a new partner. But with an established five-party system, coalition prospects are unsafe at any time. Will the campaign end in a grand surprise?

This scenario is the 2009 Chancellor Forever campaign remade for the infinity engine. Although the hybrid electoral system is not implemented in the engine, I have updated the scenario so we have a playable base campaign with is easily amendable should the Hare-Niemayer system come to the infinity engines.