After a tough first term, President Nicolas Sarkozy enters the upcoming election with significantly damaged political capital. With the economy faltering, unemployment high, and unpopularity soaring, Sarkozy seems to be an easy target for not only the Socialists but for a third party bid. Can Sarkozy hold onto Elysee, or will the reigns of power be given over to someone else?
Category: World
United Kingdom – 2012
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: HarryBarclay
Following the Lib Dems’ crushing defeat in the alternative vote referendum and a drubbing in the local elections, Cameron is forced to push through major constitutional reform to keep Clegg on side. There follows a sweeping Reform Bill, replacing 900 years of monarchy with a United Republic. With an elected House of Lords appointing a new President, much like the US electoral college, who will be moving from Whitehall to Buckingham Palace?
Please note: a big thank you goes to Tom Hughes who put together the original UK 2010 scenario, which was my inspiration, and from which I have adapted my map. His excellent scenario is here.
European Union – 2010
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: HarryBarclay
On 19 November 2009, Herman van Rompuy was designated the first permanent President of Europe under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty. But how would things have fared if the decision had been left to the people, and not to heads of state? Would a little-known Belgian have taken the top spot, or would Tony Blair and Jean-Claude Juncker, the original favourites, have battled it out?
Michigan Gubernatorial – 2010
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: Zion

“The global economic slowdown has hit Michigan hard. With unemployment skyrocketing, even General Motors, Detroit’s biggest name has gone bust. Can a new President save an unpopular State Democratic Party, or will the Republicans win big back in Michigan?”
New Zealand – 2010
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: CCA

From the scenario designer: “The passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the subsequent abolishment of the monarchy has sent shockwaves around the commonwealth. Now New Zealand holds it’s first ever presidential election. Who will triumph in the primaries and general election to become New Zealand’s 1st President?”
London – 2008
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: Zion

From the scenario designer: “Three Main Parties, Three Big Characters, One Big City, One Big Race. Can Ken hang on to the GLA for four more years? Has Boris got what it takes to run the big city? Can Paddick pound the streets, all the way to city hall? Amidst economic woes, and a less than popular government, can Ken hold on to the Mayoralty, or is London destined for Conservative government?”
Italy – 2008
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: Francesco Privitera

From the scenario designer: “This my scenario on the upcoming Italian elections. It’s about the Senate race, more specifically. It includes the 5 major parties and is updated with the latest regional polls available. Will Veltroni be able to make a miraculous comeback or will Berlusconi become Prime Minister for the third time?”