US Election 2004: Gore Referendum (A.H, Gore Wins 2000)

Compatible with 3.1.1

This is an alternate-history campaign.

then-Vice President Al Gore was narrowly elected in 2000, and since then has been a fairly stable, if boring, President, governing more-or-less as a third Clinton term. Can the Democrats do what the Republicans couldn’t in 1992, and have a fourth term in a row?

Democratic Candidates:

Al Gore

Republican Candidates:

John McCain

George W. Bush

Newt Gingrich

Steve Forbes

George Pataki

Alan Keyes

Bob Dornan

General Election Screenshot:

Republican Primary Screenshot:

2004 – Refrendum On Bush (overhauled)

It is election season and America is at war. After 8 years of Democratic White House, George W. Bush narrowly won the Presidency. Since then, Bush’s plans have been derailed by terrorist attacks on 9/11. Bush responded by invading Aghanistan and Iraq. Now, as he faces re-election, Bush’s once towering approval ratings are declining. In face of two wars, a controversial election, and a sluggish economy, can Bush, like his father, end up as a one term President?

Democratic Candiates: Howard Dean, John Kerry, John Edwards, Wesley Clarke, Richard Gephardt, Joseph Lieberman, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun (more a-historical candiates)

Republican Canidates: George W. Bush (more a-historical cnadiates)

Independent: Ralph Nader.

South Dakota – Senate 2004


South Dakota – 2004 (Senate)

Hi my friends! 🙂

I’ve created a working South Dakota scenario. After starting it in early February, I was finally able to finish it – thanks to my days off college. 😀

It’s the 2004 election featuring John Thune vs. Tom Daschle. You are free to use it for your own South Dakota elections (Governor, Senate, House,…) – The 2010 House election between Kristi Noem and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin might be interesting. Perhaps I’ll create it later. 🙂


  • Senator Tom Daschle (D)
  • Congressman John Thune (R)
  • Observation Party
  • Working County map
  • Accurate %s of 2004
  • Correct county population

To-do list:

  • Issues
  • Endorsers
  • Potential candidates

Have fun, I look forward to your feedback. 🙂

*Last update: 08/08/2016*

South Dakota – 2004 (Senate)


Hi guys, 🙂

finally it is possible to play a South Dakota scenario. I know there are a lot of things to do (%s, population, what-if’s,…), but hey it is now able to create your own SD scenario (everyone’s allowed to use the map). I hope I can encourage you, to do so! 😀 Cheers!

Any feedback is welcome and desired. Thanks!


South Dakota – 2004 (Senate)

*last update 02/06/2016*

Austria – 2004, 2010 and 2016

austria teaser

Hi guys,

finally it’s done. I’ve designed accurate Austrian scenarios (with an Austrian map). Here are the upcoming 2016 election and the historical elections of 2010 and 2004. They are on the campaign’s page. More will follow!

I know there are many things to do (issues, endorsers, hypothetical candidates and so on…) and I’ll do them asap. You can help, if you want.

For the 2016 election, I’ll update candidates when more are announced.

Have fun and stay tuned. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks! 🙂 (next thing on the list, is preparing a 1998 scenario.


New things in the scenarios:

  • changed dates = a longer game play is now possible
  • changed %s (in 2016 a new poll was released, so I updated the poll numbers for the General Election)
  • one new candidate for social democrats
  • new (Austrian) issues in 2004
  • new endorsers
  • other minor fixes

Austrian scenarios v. 1.4.3

*last updated: 02/16/2016*

Please note that we don’t have an actual electoral college (popular vote counts), sadly no vice president and no primaries. A runoff election is necessary, if no candidate gets 50% + 1 vote in the first round.

2004 Scenario-Beta

election 2004

2004 U.S. Presidential Election Scenario

It is election season and America is at war. After 8 years of Democratic White House, George W. Bush narrowly won the Presidency. Since then, Bush’s plans have been derailed by terrorist attacks on 9/11. Bush responded by invading Aghanistan and Iraq. Now, as he faces re-election, Bush’s once towering approval ratings are declining. In face of two wars, a controversial election, and a sluggish economy, can Bush, like his father, end up as a one term President?

The populist Dean with his new internet fundraising. John Kerry and ‘flip-flopping’. The charismatic John Edwards. Joe Lieberman’s “Joementum.” Wesley’s Clark’s foray into politics. Karl Rove’s political machine and the Swift boat Veterans for Truth. Latinos cheering “Viva Bush.” Down to the wire vote getting in Ohio. The 2004 election is yours to write.

united states – 2004

There are numerous what if scenarios:

1. What if Al Gore listened to the chorus of Democrats who wanted him to challenge Bush for re-election? Past Democrat Presidents who won the popular vote but lost the electoral college-Andrew Jackson and Grover Cleveland-managed to make a comeback and win the White House. Can Gore be next?

2. What if other high profile Democrats entered the race? Hillary Clinton was on the verge of making her own bid for the Presidency. Could have she won? What about other experienced Senate Democrats like Daschle, Biden, Dodd, could have they used their gravitas to make Bush a one term president?

3. What if Gary Hart, the Democrat who nearly beat Mondale, and some would say, paved the way for Bill Clinton’s New Democrats, embarked on a long shot comeback? He reportedly was close to making the plunge. Could Hart rise from the political dead and win the White House?

4. What if Lincoln Chafee continued his bid in challenging Bush as an anti-war Republican? Or what if Bush faced other primary challenges, such as from Colin Powell, Ron Paul, or his one time rival, John McCain? And what if Bush dumped Cheney for a more charismatic VP?

Note: I haven’t been able to figure out when the various U.S. territory primaries occurred, so they’re currently just on the days they were in 2008 (which I know, of course, is incorrect). I also need to update the U.S. Territory endorsers.