Author: Treasurer of the PC
Description: Um Al-Mohajshahr is a Middle Eastern Islamic oil rich nation located near the Hojabi desert. Ayatollah Shahid Zaman, the Supreme Leader has called for a snap election after serious claims and loss of confidence in the Conservative Clergy to Allah Governate, after recent events of out-of-control money laundering & bribery with CCA splinter groups to fight against the Militant Mujahideen. This had led to failure to tackle the “Privatisation Debt Deficit” following “The Great Alikaz Selloff” in 2007. Islamic Solidarity want a modern Islamic constitution free from greed. Democratic Reform appeals for greater changes including gender equality and Sharia Law modernisation. The Militant Mujahideen are growing in support. Can the CCA cling on to power and repair the nation as they did when elected 12 years ago?