The United States is in turmoil. Inflation is soaring at 9%, unemployment is high, and the economy is stagnant—a phenomenon dubbed stagflation. President Gerald Ford, having never been elected to the presidency or vice presidency, struggles to gain legitimacy after pardoning Richard Nixon, a move that enrages the public. His approval ratings are dismal, and his attempts to curb inflation with initiatives like Whip Inflation Now (WIN) fail to gain traction. The nation is restless, looking for change.

The Battle for the Republican Party – Ford vs. Reagan
Despite being the incumbent, Ford faces a fierce primary challenge from former California Governor Ronald Reagan, who portrays Ford as weak and insufficiently conservative. Reagan excites the party base but struggles with moderate and liberal Republicans who see him as too radical. Ford ultimately edges out Reagan at the Republican National Convention, but at great cost—he alienates many conservatives.

What If Ford Picked Rockefeller Instead of Dole?
- Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, a liberal Republican, would have helped Ford in states like New York, potentially flipping it to the GOP.
- However, conservative strongholds like Virginia and Oklahoma might have defected due to Rockefeller’s association with big government policies.
- The electoral map could have flipped, leading to a narrow Ford victory over Carter.

What If Reagan Had Won the GOP Nomination?
- Liberal Republicans, fearing Reagan’s conservatism, might have bolted the party and backed Carter.
- Reagan’s appeal in the South and West could have offset Carter’s strength, but the loss of Northeastern moderates might have sunk him.

The Democratic Primary – Carter, Jackson, Brown & Wallace
The Democratic field is crowded. Jimmy Carter, the former governor of Georgia, presents himself as a Washington outsider, capitalizing on voter distrust of the political establishment. His strategy works, allowing him to edge out opponents like:
- Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a hawkish Cold War Democrat.
- Mo Udall, the progressive environmentalist.
- George Wallace, the Southern populist who appeals to white working-class voters.
- Jerry Brown, Fiscal moderate with a focus on environmentalism, and a more decentralized government.

What If Henry Jackson Had Won Instead of Carter?
- Jackson’s strong anti-communist stance could have won over blue-collar voters.
- However, Carter’s Southern strategy would have been absent, making the South more competitive for Ford.

What If Ted Kennedy Had Run in 1976?
- A Kennedy candidacy would have electrified the Democratic base, uniting liberals.
- However, his Chappaquiddick scandal (1969) remained a liability.
- Kennedy could have faced a closer race with Ford, especially among moderates skeptical of a liberal dynasty candidate.

Election Night 1976 – A Narrow Carter Victory
In reality, Carter won by portraying himself as an honest, small-town Southerner against the tainted Ford administration. But in a year of political upheaval, one or two changes could have rewritten history.
Would a different VP pick have saved Ford? Would Reagan have pushed the GOP to an early conservative revolution? Could Kennedy have rewritten history four years earlier?

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