Canada – 1917 – CHC

Never before has Canada so fragile. Unprecented casualties in the Great War forced Borden to pass the conscription through Parliament. The decision of the English Canada sharply alienated the French, who were offended by the long-standing suppresion outside Quebec.

The Coalition organised a great vote rigging, simultaneously expanding women’s rights and taking away alien’s one. Laurier Liberals have accumulated a loud anti-conscription voice.

The dirtiest, most intolerant and most vicious campaign is ahead. Election day will become Doomsday.

This campaign has three different variations that you can play:

  • Separate Unionist: Conservative and Liberal Unionists nominate separately, but in coalition. Here you can play for Unionist candidates who have retired from competition;
  • United Unionist: Historically traditional scenario of Unionists vs Laurier Liberals;
  • No Union (AH): Coalition talks fail, and straight-party Conservatives and Liberals run separately. An independent nationalist and anti-conscription movement led by Henri Bourassa rises in Quebec.

For more information please contact the background folder.

Canada – 1988 – CHC

Brian Mulroney’s Conservatives have faced tough times since their landslide in 1984, and have staked their mandate on their new US-Canada Free Trade Agreement. John Turner hopes to end the FTA and reclaim the PM’s office on a revival of Canadian nationalism, while Ed Broadbent sees the perfect chance to bring the NDP to new heights. Preston Manning is standing for Western interests. This election is about the FTA and only about that, however, the future winner will have to face Meech Lake, abortion, and other challenges.

This is currently the largest work within the CHC. To a large extent, this was made possible by the work of the original author, as well as a wide range of works on these elections. This creates unique scenarios:

PC: Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, Don Mazankowski, Lucien Bouchard
LIB: Allan MacEachen, Jean Chrйtien, John Turner, Pierre Trudeau, Lloyd Axworthy
NDP: Simon de Jong, Dave Barrett, Ed Broadbent, Phil Edmonston
Others: Preston Manning (Reform), Elmer Knutson (COR), Ed VanWoudenberg (CHP), Kathryn Cholette (Green), Robert Toupin (Ind. MP from Terrebonne)
  • What if Mulroney never decided on an FTA and was replaced by Don Mazankowski?
  • What if the Liberals staged a coup before the election and installed Chrétien?
  • What if Trudeau and Clark meet in a rematch of 1979-80?
  • What if three Québec leaders will confront each other?

Needless to say, the campaign includes >50 events and 35 endorsers to make your gameplay exciting and challenging. Also, although Free Trade discussion takes up all the space, many other issues are also not left out.

Because this is more than an election. This is your future.. or, at least, a few entertaining evenings.

Canada – 1896 – CHC

With the passing of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada lost a helmsman who ploughed through the unknown. His legacy, however, has given rise to a real test of vitality. The Manitoba School Question has opened a living wound between the founding nations and the old parties. Uncertainty is in the air. Either someone will manage to unite the scattered factions, or the Confederation will be blown up. The stakes could not be higher.

Western Australia 1950 – Wind Of Change

Alt-History Mod Alert!

In 1933, West Australians voted in favor of secession from Australia, in the midst of the Depression. After the Western Australian delegation’s petition was accepted by the UK Parliament, the flag of the federation was lowered in Perth and replaced by the Blue Ensign, officially ending the federation between Western Australia and the Australian Federation. 17 years on, the country had moved on and prospered under the boom created by the expansion of the agriculture industry and the mining industry, spurred by the economic policy of the Latham government, which had been in power since 1939. The Prime Minister had decided to call a double dissolution election to advance his agenda, after the Senate kept blocking his legislation to ban the Communist Party, which had continued to grow since the end of the war. Labor, under the new leadership of Frank Wise, hoped to retake government after a series of losses and try to convince Western Australia it was time for change. Meanwhile, a new party emerged as a result of Labor’s left pivot and the NCA’s long rule – the Liberal Democratic Party, led by Oscar Wells, the most famous mining magnate in Western Australia. The party hoped to provide a political home for the Social Liberals and Fiscal Conservatives who might be alienated by the two-party system.

Disclaimer: The Mod is based on this referendum point of divergence is when the Joint Select Committee in the British Parliament accepted the petition presented by the Western Australia delegation led by Premier Mitchell

New Zealand 2017 – Time To Decided

It’s time for New Zealanders to decide the country’s future once again! After 9 years of leadership by John Key through both good and bad times, he has decided to retire from politics, handing over the reigns of power to his deputy and former leader Bill English. What seemed like a cakewalk to victory has turned into a battle of popularity and experience, as Andrew Little suddenly resigned as Labour leader just weeks before election day. Labour decided to coalesce around the young and charismatic Jacinda Ardern, electing her as their new leader. Coming from mid-20% polls, Ardern has a big task ahead of her to overcome. How will New Zealand decide?

The election’s unique nature allows for some hypothetical scenarios:

  • What if Andrew Little had persevered through the bad polling numbers and led Labour to the end?
  • What if Winston Peters decided not to do the unexpected and formed a coalition with National?
  • What if Peter Dunne continued fighting in Ōhāriu even though polls showed he might not make it back this time?
  • What if the coalition arrangements changed, with a Red-Green coalition aided by Uncle Winnie?
  • What if National decided it was time to have an economically responsible and environmentally responsible government by forming a coalition with the Greens?

Because of the lack of an MMP system in PMI, we decided to get a little creative by converting the list seats into actual electorate seats. You can battle it out here in the marginal seats, which are basically voters who are undecided but voted for said party last time and might be able to be persuaded to vote for you this time around. To make it a tad bit more realistic, I have made it as hard as possible for you to get the “Base” Party support seats – for example, the National has 12 “Base seats” which would be hard to get. Every party that makes it into the threshold in the 2014 election has this. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best we can do under the circumstances.

Canada – 1935 – CHC

Since the Great Depression hit Canada, it has left an indelible mark. Everything has fallen in the last 5 years, and even desperate measures are no longer surprising. Bennett’s policies of high tariffs and encouraging external trade to within the Empire brought little benefit. In the pit of unpopularity, Prime Minister put the New Deal for Canada, first announced in January, to a referendum. Mackenzie King, with its experience and patience, can easily crush the Conservatives’ chances. However, distrust of the old parties is pushing Canadians to turn to alternatives. Socialism and evangelicalism come from the West, while populism comes from the East. Of the many paths, where will Canada go?

Canada – 1872 – CHC

The first steps are never easy. Canada also felt it. The unfavourable Treaty of Washington sparked a fierce debate about relations with the United States. Challenges in Manitoba and New Brunswick inflamed passions between English and French. British Columbia joined the union on the condition of building the Pacific Railway. “Better terms” for Nova Scotia also raise many questions. These are vulnerabilities in the government that will be exploited to bring an alternative to Ottawa. Will Sir Macdonald stand or new PM will be elected? The parties will face a nearly 100-day campaign that will span from Halifax to Victoria.

Canada – 1867 – CHC

The Dominion of Canada has been created. The Great Coalition of John A. Macdonald and George Brown linked the four British North American provinces. In 1867, the party truce was over, and the battle began again. Macdonald had patronage and a wave of patriotism in his favour. Brown resurrected the Reformers, raising the banner of responsible government. But not everyone accepts the Confederation. Various politicians in Quebec, New Brunswick and, most notably, Nova Scotia are questioning it. In any case, the results of this election will decide the fate of the new country, in its many tests and trials soon to come.

Original scenario made by Anthony (for PM4E 2006!), based on LukeTheDuke‘s campaign. For more information please contact the background folder.

Note: For true supporters of the Confederation, I created an alternative campaign with Newfoundland and PEI included!

TNO – 1964

America stands at the precipice in a world where everything has gone wrong. From the atomic fire that destroyed Pearl Harbour, America has known nothing but strife and unrest for the past 2 decades, while jackboots marched across Europe, Asia and Africa, devastating everything in their path. It’s now up to the RDC and NPP candidates to chart the way of the future, as America wrestles with everything from Civil Rights to War in Africa and across the Globe, whoever wins this election will be tasked with ending the American Malaise and letting Freedom once again reign at home and abroad.

Parties and Candidates

The Republican-Democratic Coalition:

Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Baines Johnson (D)
Senator Wallace Bennett (R)
Governor Nelson Rockefeller (R)
Senator Richard Russell Jr. (D)
Senator Barry Goldwater (R)
Senator Albert Gore (D)
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R)
Governor William Scranton (R)
Former Representative Walter Judd (R)

Hypothetical Candidates:

President John McCormack (D)
Senator Harry Truman (D)
Senator Ralph Yarborough (D)
Senator Edmund Muskie (D)

The National Progressive Pact

Governor George Wallace (N)
Senator Robert Kennedy (P)
Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson (P)
Michael Harrington (P)
Senator Maurine Neuberger (P)
Senator Margaret Chase Smith (N)

Hypothetical Candidates:

Representative Claude Pepper (P)
Former Vice President Henry Wallace (P)
Governor George Romney (N)
Gus Hall (M)
Francis Parker Yockey (S)

Other Mod Features:

-General Election Bonuses for all candidates, meaning that the electoral map can change drastically based on party nominees.
-A robust slate of historically accurate endorsers.
-A 1962 start date (if you enjoy torture)
-Fully written events from January 1962 to November 1964, including an all-new branching events system which ensures no 2 games will ever be the same.
And more

Have fun and feedback is appreciated.

1996 – British Columbia

Will the NDP be able to win again, or will the Liberal party take the reins in British Columbia?

Additions/changes not in original 1996 P4e scenario;

-> 1996 scenario logo
-> Elections BC as an observer.
-> Edited party logos to not fill screen.
-> NDP seat goal
-> Transit icon
-> Icon backgrounds from black to official blue.
-> Candidate strengths
-> MLA cabinet/ critic positions
-> Surrogates