Westerberg High Student Body President 1989

Greetings and salutations!

As as both a fan of Heathers (Both the 2014 musical, and the original 1988 movie), as well as elections, I decided to combine the two, and make this scenario for all of the other Heather’s fans, who also happen to be fans of politics.

Yes I know the map is awful.

Download Here: htp://campaigns.270soft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Westerberg-High-Student-Body-President-1989.zip

1896 Alternate Version.

This is an alternate version of VCCzar’s 1896 Scenario, I’ve adjusted regional issue centers to make certain regions friendlier to certain candidates. For example, I made the South and West, more friendly to Pro-Silver, and Anti-Tariff candidates, and made New England more friendly to Pro-Gold, Protectionist candidates, to prevent situations like McKinley winning Alabama, and Bryan winning Vermont.

I’ve added The National Party, the Socialist Labor Party, and a default off Populist party.

What if the populist party nominated it’s own candidate for president rather than co-nominating Bryan? What if Silver Republican Senator, Henry Teller ran for President? What if Eugene Debs ran an election early? All these question and more, can be answered with this scenario.

Updated on June 16th 2019.

I fixed Seymour F. Norton’s attributes and platform from when I copied him over from William Jennings Bryan, I also added Virginian Senator, John W. Daniel, a noted supporter of the “Lost Cause of the Confederacy” myth, who historically declined to be nominated. I changed how many PIPs each candidate has,and finally, I added a “God Meddler” ‘candidate’ in the Simulation ‘party’, for if you want to influence the election.

United States – 1896 Alternate V1.5


In 1970 the Chilean situation is not good. With an economy in the midst of recession, the Chilean people look for someone who can lead to a brighter tomorrow. Of course, foreign and business interests have other things in mind. In this three horse election, the fight is between Marxist Salvador Allende, Rightist Jorge Alessandri, and Christian Democrat Radomiro Tomic.


UK – 2017 New Leaders

It’s what it says on the tin, this adds new leaders for both the major parties as well as some minor parties. In the near future I will add bios for the present leaders. I plan on adding more leaders, and diversifying the independent party (add minor parties and ideologically specific independents) sometime in the future.

United Kingdom – 2017 More Leaders


Updated: September 12 2018

Adjusts Leader attributes for Liam Fox and Hilary Benn.

Added David Cameron, John McDonnell, and Vince Cable.