It may be the chemo or the monthly infusions I take for my cancer. But please remind me step by step, once we have created a scenario or in this case cleaned up a scenario how we save it and post it to here, so everyone else can access. Please list it in a step by step.
ALSO, has someone done an Illinois state map? I’d love to utilize it to set up a number of scenarios so everyone can play like the Thompson-Stevenson Gubernatorial battles of ’82/’86 or see if Barack Obama can win the Senate seat in the scrum of 2004.
Yes, Nulla Lex Inc. made one.
1.Zip your file.
2.Go to “Media.” on the upper left. Click “Add New.” There you can post your file.
3.Go to “Posts” Click “Add New.” Write your title.
4.Click the plus sign. Choose “file.” Click “Media Library”
5.Upload the file that you posted in “Media”
6.You can write your description above as well.
7.Click “Document” on the upper right. Go to categories and choose what categories you would like to place your file in.
8.I’ve never tried “Featured images” but this might be how you upload a good image of your scenario. (You might have to upload an image to Media Library)
9.Click “Publish” on the upper right.
Mahlerman made an Illinois scenario, so this might help.