(Based on an election game on alternatehistory.com – Account required to view)
What if top-tier candidates on both sides had decided not to run in 2016 and fictional candidates took their place? That is the premise of this scenario which is based on a President Infinity inspired election game on alternatehistory.com.
Will the progressive firebrand Angie Bennett pull off an upset to claim the Democratic nomination or will the establishment-favorites Katy Thompson and James Johnson romp to victory instead? Can the libertarian Democrat Carl Cisco Rutter use his charisma and telegenic appearance to move the party in a new direction and become the first gay president or will his campaign fail to gain steam because he bucks liberal orthodoxy on many issues? Is there any hope for the eccentric Governor of South Carolina Cornelius Benjamin Kennard to revive the party’s hopes in the South or will he simply act as a spoiler to Johnson and the liberal, black Governor of Missouri Martin Walker? Can Anderson and the Elliot Express sweep to an overwhelming victory in the Democratic primaries or is he doomed to failure? Do any of the lesser known candidates – Lopez, Maxson, and Turner – have any chance to break out and claim the nomination for themselves? And what if Steven Prentice Hart remained in the race, can he become the Democrat’s Reagan and usher in a left-wing, populist takeover of the party?
Can the House Majority Leader and staunch cultural warrior Francisco Juarez bring together evangelical Protestants and Catholics to win the GOP nomination or will he be foiled by the bombastic conservative David McIntosh, a member of the Freedom Caucus? Will neoconservative darling and McCain ally Kathleen Fairchild be able to follow in his footsteps and be the first woman to be nominated by the Republican Party or will the popular Admiral Kelsey Gormley stop her in her tracks and be the first general nominated by a major party since Eisenhower? Can Roy Buehler carve out a place for himself as a palatable moderate conservative and outspoken advocate for right-to-work or has the GOP base soured on nominating yet another moderate? Can former SNL writer and now Rhode Island Governor Charles Schroder win over GOP voters with his brand of libertarianism or will his “coastal elitist” image doom his campaign? And what of the outsiders Coxey and Zakharov – can they ride dissatisfaction with the Washington establishment to victory in the primaries or are their unorthodox positions too much for the Republican base to tolerate? What if Kasey Sungbean ran for president instead of challenging Steven Prentice Hart for CA Senate – can centrism appeal to the modern Republican Party?
Gov. Katy Thompson (D-MN) – Second-rate Hillary Clinton
Sen. James Johnson (D-FL) – Bisexual Bill Nelson
Sen. Angie Bennett (D-PA) – Rust Belt Elizabeth Warren
Rep. Jack Turner (D-LA) – Heir to Jesse Jackson
Rep. Edward Maxson (D-OH) – Midwestern Populist
Sen. Carl Cisco Rutter (D-OR) – Proto-Buttigieg
Fmr. Attorney General Antonio James Lopez (D-CA) – Castro 2016
Gov. Martin Walker (D-MO) – Corrupt New Dealer
Gov. Cornelius Benjamin Kennard (D-SC) – Kooky Bryan Cranston
Sen. Steven Prentice Hart (D-CA) – Steve Buscemi’s Doppelganger
Fmr. Gov. Elliot Anderson (D-MT) – The Elliot Express
House Majority Leader Francisco Juarez (R-CA) – Catholic Conservative
Gov. Roy Buehler (R-MI) – Fat Rick Snyder
Sen. Kathleen Fairchild (R-OH) – Neoconservative Queen
Adm. Kelsey F. Gormley (R-WY) – #MeToo Eisenhower
Gov. Charles Schroder (R-RI) – SNL Conservative
Sen. David McIntosh (R-AL) – Closeted Segregationist
Businessman Edmund Coxey (R-MD) – Not!Trump
Fmr. Gov. Maxime Zakharov (R-AK) – Russian Interference
Businessman Kasey Sungbean (R-CA) – Centrist Republican
Race to the White House – 2016
Whenever I try to play the game crashes
But the scenario looks really fun
I’m not sure why the game is crashing for you, it’s working fine for me. What platform are you using – Windows or Mac? What version of the game are you using? I don’t know if either of those are the issue but if nobody else is having the crashing problem with the scenario then it could be one of these.
It works fine when I go for the general election, however, the primaries aren’t working.
I’m on a Mac, and I’m using the latest version of the game.
I’m also running the game on the newest version for Mac, and I’m having the same problem (crashes whenever I try to start from the primaries).
Hmm, I’m not sure what the problem is. If both of you are using sneak-peek 3.0.2 then it must be something else going on. Is there a specific error message you are getting or is it just crashing without warning? I can try asking on the forums to see what the issue might be as I don’t know exactly what’s going on but I want to make sure that if it’s an issue with anyone trying to play the scenario using the Mac version of the game that it is resolved.