Introducing the First Round of the 2018 Colombian Presidential Election
REBUILD COLOMBIA ALLIANCE: Democratic Center and disidents from the Conservative Party. (RIGHT WING)
Candidates for the primaries:
- Marta Lucia Ramirez (Conservative Party Disident)
- Ivan Duque (Democratic Center)
- Alejandro Ordonez (United for the Family).
- Instead of Duque, from the Democratic Center is also:
- Oscar Ivan Zuluaga the 2014 Democratic Center nominee
- Carlos Holmes Trujillo the 2014 Democratic Center Vicepresidential nominee
- Senator Maria del Rosario Guerra.
COALITION COLOMBIA: Green Alliance, Compromise Citizens for Colombia and Democratic Alternative Pole. (CENTER)
Candidates for the primaries:
- Senator Claudia Lopez from Green Alliance
- Former Governor of Antioquia Sergio Fajardo of Compromise Citizens for Colombia
- Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo form the Democratic Alternative Pole
BETTER VARGAS LLERAS: Radical Change Party and Better Vargas Lleras (RIGHT WING)
Movement.Candidates for the General Election:
- Former Vicepresident German Vargas Lleras
HUMAN COLOMBIA: Movement Human Colombia (LEFT WING)
Candidate for the General Election:
- Gustavo Petro, former mayor of Bogota
COALITION FOR PEACE: Liberal Party, Social Party of National Unity, and “We are all Colombia” movement.
Candidate for the primaries:
- Humberto de la Calle Lombana, former Vicepresident of Colombia.
- Clara Lopez, former Labour Minister and 2014 Democratic Alternative Pole nominee for president.
FARC: Common Alternative Revolutionary Force
- Rodrigo Londono