After many hours of work, the French Legislative Election is released. This scenario is about the 2º round of the legislatives.
France legislative elections-2017 2º Round
Special thanks to NYrepublican and to Estagal.
After many hours of work, the French Legislative Election is released. This scenario is about the 2º round of the legislatives.
France legislative elections-2017 2º Round
Special thanks to NYrepublican and to Estagal.
Hello, can you do this scenario with PRESIDENT INFINITY ?
@Anthony I will probably make it in PI when I finish my project of a National Assembly of Wales election.
Ok thank you
Am I the only one getting a scenario.xml error when trying to launch the scenario?
@Andrew try re-installing the game and updating to the latest sneak-peek.
I am getting the same error. I don’t (and can’t get the sneak peak) because I have a mac. Will I just need to wait?
@Kevin Probably the PMI-UK update will be out for mac this week and the PI update will come soon afterwards to mac
Im excited for the Wales scenario
Hmm, I’m still seeing the same error the other Mac users are getting.
Why is it that whenever I download it (I have the newest version) and import the zip file, it says it was imported but it doesn’t show up in my list of campaigns so I can’t play it
Maybe it’s because it’s made with PMI Australia?