I have done a few modifications to the percentages shift to make the official scenario closer to the real result (starting with only a small majority which the Conservatives can lose if they don’t campaign effectively.)
Changed are Corbyn’s charisma from 2 to 3 given his big rallies and I’ve added three new events.
1. Conservative social care plans unveiled – gives -2 momentum to the Conservatives
2. U-turn on the social care plans, gives -2 momentum to the Conservatives
3. Theresa May refuses to debate after Corbyn announces he will attend, gives -2 momentum to the Conservatives.
” is not a valid integer value error message
@Ed Goodger
When do you see this message, are you able to start the campaign?
Its after you try to start the game
I’ve re-uploaded the link in case anything corrupted with the first link.
Loving this, plays out a lot more like the real thing. Thank you
“is not a valid integer value error message” Is the error message I keep getting when I try to launch the campaign when its at the continue button of the last party.
^ The Link is fine the campaign just has a bug
Let me have another look
I am also receiving the same error message as the previous commenters.
Is this done by editing individual constituencies or is a national swing available?
This has been done by editing the shift in the percentages.xml
I am also in the process of trying the sort out the integer bug also.
For those who still have the bug, what operating systems are you all using?
There might be a compatibility issue.