President Forever 2008 + Primaries
Author: Zion
Texans are known for their social and fiscal conservatism. Rick Perry has been the incumbent Governor since George W. Bush’s election as President in 2001. But demographic changes have seen areas north of the Rio Grande slowly turn blue. The Lone Star State has not elected a Democrat to state-wide office in 20 years. Can they turn the tide in 2014, and find a successor to the Democratic legacy of Lyndon Johnson and Ann Richards?
I don’t think this scenario works. I get a variety of error messages when I attempt to load — access violations; another message that says there are ‘too many regions’ in the scenario; another instance where the error message appears but the scenario loads anyway and the game crashes, etc. It looks cool, though, so it’s too bad . . .
Hi David,
Can you tell me what program and version number you are using to try to run it?
i have a question. i was trying to create one for the senate race in the state of Texas and when i tried to make the map it said too many counties how were you able to do the map?
I cant get it to work either
I am using the latest version of president forever 2008 + primaries
I would really like to play it but it doesnt work i am using p4e 2008+primaries 1.7.3
I am having problems getting this to work as well any tips on how to get it worl or Zion can you try to reload it?
Hi guys,
Can you be more specific about what problems you are encountering running this scenario? I load and advance it one turn with no errors in both primaries and general, using 1.7.3.
I got it to work but i have one problem with it the state of Texas does not use an electoral college they go by the percentage of votes and i was wondering if there was anyway to rid the electoral college from the scenario
Will you be updating to take Rick Perry out and add other candidactes?
Would love for you to do a 2014 Illinois Gubernatorial scenario.