2024, Ultra Realism.

This is my custom built 2024. I tried my best to make the margins as realistic to the actual results as possible, with that being said, it’s still very possible to win as Harris. The campaign just features more narrow gameplay, no flipping Indiana or Colorado.

The campaign is based on the base scenario, but features upgraded portraits and issue icons. It also features drastically re-written bios for the issues. The margins have been perfectly adjusted to allow for sensible results.

Every nominee has fleshed out gameplay. Sometimes it’s fun to just play as RFK Jr withdrawn candidacy and just watch the results. Think of this as a realistic election simulator as well as a game.



First week.

1976 – The Year of the Outsiders

The United States is in turmoil. Inflation is soaring at 9%, unemployment is high, and the economy is stagnant—a phenomenon dubbed stagflation. President Gerald Ford, having never been elected to the presidency or vice presidency, struggles to gain legitimacy after pardoning Richard Nixon, a move that enrages the public. His approval ratings are dismal, and his attempts to curb inflation with initiatives like Whip Inflation Now (WIN) fail to gain traction. The nation is restless, looking for change.

The Battle for the Republican Party – Ford vs. Reagan

Despite being the incumbent, Ford faces a fierce primary challenge from former California Governor Ronald Reagan, who portrays Ford as weak and insufficiently conservative. Reagan excites the party base but struggles with moderate and liberal Republicans who see him as too radical. Ford ultimately edges out Reagan at the Republican National Convention, but at great cost—he alienates many conservatives.

What If Ford Picked Rockefeller Instead of Dole?

  • Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, a liberal Republican, would have helped Ford in states like New York, potentially flipping it to the GOP.
    • However, conservative strongholds like Virginia and Oklahoma might have defected due to Rockefeller’s association with big government policies.
    • The electoral map could have flipped, leading to a narrow Ford victory over Carter.

What If Reagan Had Won the GOP Nomination?

  • Liberal Republicans, fearing Reagan’s conservatism, might have bolted the party and backed Carter.
  • Reagan’s appeal in the South and West could have offset Carter’s strength, but the loss of Northeastern moderates might have sunk him.

The Democratic Primary – Carter, Jackson, Brown & Wallace

The Democratic field is crowded. Jimmy Carter, the former governor of Georgia, presents himself as a Washington outsider, capitalizing on voter distrust of the political establishment. His strategy works, allowing him to edge out opponents like:

  • Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a hawkish Cold War Democrat.
  • Mo Udall, the progressive environmentalist.
  • George Wallace, the Southern populist who appeals to white working-class voters.
  • Jerry Brown, Fiscal moderate with a focus on environmentalism, and a more decentralized government.

What If Henry Jackson Had Won Instead of Carter?

  • Jackson’s strong anti-communist stance could have won over blue-collar voters.
  • However, Carter’s Southern strategy would have been absent, making the South more competitive for Ford.

What If Ted Kennedy Had Run in 1976?

  • A Kennedy candidacy would have electrified the Democratic base, uniting liberals.
  • However, his Chappaquiddick scandal (1969) remained a liability.
  • Kennedy could have faced a closer race with Ford, especially among moderates skeptical of a liberal dynasty candidate.

Election Night 1976 – A Narrow Carter Victory

In reality, Carter won by portraying himself as an honest, small-town Southerner against the tainted Ford administration. But in a year of political upheaval, one or two changes could have rewritten history.

Would a different VP pick have saved Ford? Would Reagan have pushed the GOP to an early conservative revolution? Could Kennedy have rewritten history four years earlier?

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ltzsmxbw6j8zc8/United_States_-_1976.zip/file

Please continue to support 270sims and let me know in the comments if you want anything added and or if there’s anything that needs to be fixed.

Norway Election 2021

Parliamentary elections were held in Norway on 13 September 2021. All 169 seats in the Norwegian legislature, the Storting, were up for election can Conservatives break the record for 3rd time consecutive in power or can Labour back,or even Right wing Progress or Centrist Party make gains to win?

Sweden election 2022

General elections were held in Sweden on 11 September 2022 to elect the 349 members of the Riksdag who in turn elected the Prime Minister of Sweden. Under the constitution, regional and municipal elections were also held on the same day. The preliminary results presented on 15 September showed the government parties lost their majority, which were confirmed by the final results published on 17 September. After a month of negotiations following the elections that led to the Tidö Agreement among the right-wing bloc, Moderate Party (M) leader Ulf Krirsersson was elected prime minister on 17 October. The Kristersson cabinet is a minority governmet that relies on confidence and supply from the Sweden Democrats (SD).

Social Democrats: Center left
Sweden Democrats: Right wing populist to nationalist
Moderate: Center right
Centre: Centrist
Left Party: Left wing
Green Party: Center left
Christian Democrats: Center right
Liberals: Center right
Alternative for Sweden: Far right


TNO – 1964

America stands at the precipice in a world where everything has gone wrong. From the atomic fire that destroyed Pearl Harbour, America has known nothing but strife and unrest for the past 2 decades, while jackboots marched across Europe, Asia and Africa, devastating everything in their path. It’s now up to the RDC and NPP candidates to chart the way of the future, as America wrestles with everything from Civil Rights to War in Africa and across the Globe, whoever wins this election will be tasked with ending the American Malaise and letting Freedom once again reign at home and abroad.

Parties and Candidates

The Republican-Democratic Coalition:

Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Baines Johnson (D)
Senator Wallace Bennett (R)
Governor Nelson Rockefeller (R)
Senator Richard Russell Jr. (D)
Senator Barry Goldwater (R)
Senator Albert Gore (D)
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R)
Governor William Scranton (R)
Former Representative Walter Judd (R)

Hypothetical Candidates:

President John McCormack (D)
Senator Harry Truman (D)
Senator Ralph Yarborough (D)
Senator Edmund Muskie (D)

The National Progressive Pact

Governor George Wallace (N)
Senator Robert Kennedy (P)
Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson (P)
Michael Harrington (P)
Senator Maurine Neuberger (P)
Senator Margaret Chase Smith (N)

Hypothetical Candidates:

Representative Claude Pepper (P)
Former Vice President Henry Wallace (P)
Governor George Romney (N)
Gus Hall (M)
Francis Parker Yockey (S)

Other Mod Features:

-General Election Bonuses for all candidates, meaning that the electoral map can change drastically based on party nominees.
-A robust slate of historically accurate endorsers.
-A 1962 start date (if you enjoy torture)
-Fully written events from January 1962 to November 1964, including an all-new branching events system which ensures no 2 games will ever be the same.
And more

Have fun and feedback is appreciated.

2023 Utah’s 2nd Congressional District Special Election

Following the resignation of Representative Chris Stewart, a special election has been called for Utah’s 2nd congressional district, with Celeste Maloy, Chris Stewart’s legal counsel, winning an upset victory in the republican primary as democrats rallied behind state senator Kathleen Riebe. While Utah’s 2nd is broadly considered a safe republican seat, Maloy is seeking to capitalize on anti-Biden sentiments in order to overperform both Donald Trump and Chris Stewart, legitimizing the GOP’s hopes for a win in 2024, while Riebe is looking for a dramatic upset victory that will buck pollsters and pundits alike, silencing Biden’s critics on both the left and right.

Parties and Candidates:

Republican – Celeste Maloy
Democratic – Kathleen Riebe
Libertarian – Brad Green
Constitution – Cassie Easley
United Utah – January Walker
Independent – Perry Myers
Independent – Joseph Buchman

1972 United States Presidential Election – New Camelot Again…? (RFK Lives and Wins 1968; Alternate Scenario)

**NOTE: This scenario was created by For The Record, however because Anthony disabled the sign up page for the forum (lol), he is unable to upload it himself, so im uploading it on his behalf**

Update log for V3 Demo (incomplete):

  • Added more AIP candidates (Thomas J. Anderson, Richard Kay…)
  • Added swing for Other Candidates to stimulate its percentages
  • New, clearer images for several candidates with pixelated images
  • New events
  • New percentage bonuses per each candidate to simulate a more accurate what-if election (incomplete)
  • Adjusted issue stances
  • Added Electoral Reform issue
  • Added electoral silence by Election Day (as featured by the Electoral Reform)
  • New Maine Congressional District Method
  • Adjusted state borders in the map
  • New retro background
  • New state flag images (adjusted to election year, since some flags are ahead of 1972)
  • New individual endorsements (including candidates)
  • Frank Sinatra is re-added as Humphrey’s surrogate

Four years ago, Robert F. Kennedy was elected as President of the United States, elevating him to the White House once again since he was appointed as Attorney General by his late brother and former President John F. Kennedy. Since then, the Universal Health Care was passed by Congress, the civil and voting rights were strengthened, and there is somewhat of a period of detente as the 1970s entered. However, there are still challenges against his administration, as the Vietnam War still continues with a possibility of a collapse on the Paris Peace Talks, and may potentially lead to a North Vietnamese offensive and eventually the collapse of South Vietnam. Back home, the ERA still needs to be decided by the Congress and the US states, and the period of racial tensions in the 60s still plagues up to this day, even moreso with the public opinion of the Vietnam War and RFK’s handlings of the war. On the up side, however, whether Kennedy runs for re-election or not, continuing internal divisions within the Republicans from the left and right caused a primary field of various right-wing and center-left candidates, from Reagan to Romney, and the Democrats may seem to be united for Kennedy’s re-nomination, that is if his economic policies work for this year. Chances of his re-election are high, as long as there are no hiccups in the economy. Can New Camelot solidify his legacy for four more years, or have the people had enough

The following are images of the campaign scenario.

  • Recommendations before playing:
  • Do not add third party candidates (AIP, other candidates) in primaries as it will completely crash the game.
  • Do not switch back to General Election. For some reason, an error is produced and the game gets confused at what to do. Go back to “Change Campaign” and re-select this scenario.
  • If you are playing with a candidate that have the percentage bonuses completely rolled out (RFK, Sanford, Dem Wallace, Reagan) against a candidate with an incomplete percentage bonuses, it is NOT recommended to play with either of the candidates, especially the fact that the percentage bonus update is yet to be completed. For example, RFK v. Romney may be playable, sure, but the results will always show a Kennedy landslide victory, regardless of how many times you play/simulate it. The same goes for Reagan, Wallace, and Sanford. This recommendation will only be temporary.
  • And voila! You have a completely playable 1972 RFK mod. Enjoy.

Can you take back New Camelot into White House? Or prevent him from being President for four more years? The field is yours!

Download here!

2019 – Ukrainian presidential election (First Round)

The 2019 Ukrainian presidential election will be held on 31 March and if needed on the 21 April in a two-round system. There are a total of 39 candidates for the election on the ballot. The 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia and the occupation of parts of Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast is likely to prevent eligible voters from participating in the election. If no candidate receives an absolute majority of the vote, a second round will held between the top two candidates on 21 April 2019. It is expected to be between Volodymyr Zelensky, who played the role of Ukraine’s president in a popular television comedy and the incumbent president, Petro Poroshenko.

This scenario has been built in President Infinity Classic as the editor is still under development in PI2020. It will most likely work in PI2020 but I may need to patch it if it doesn’t.

2020 US Election – Clinton Refrendum (Hillary wins 2016)

Compatible with 3.1.1

This is an alternate-history campaign.

Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in a closer-than-expected race, in 2016. The race came down to razor-thin margins in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Following their defeat, many Republicans attempted a purge of “Trumpism”. Clinton’s presidency has been marked by partisan divide, and disillusionment with politics. The Democratic Party faced record breaking defeats in the 2018-midterms, with the Republican gain the House being stronger then their performance even in 2010. Purportedly, Clinton started her re-election campaign before the 2018-midterms, and has prepared for a long, and tough battle. Many Republicans have clamored at the prospects of defeating Clinton, but the field is wide and divided – Can Clinton defeat the divided Republican Party or will they find a candidate who can defeat her?

^ (Alternate 2016 map


2020 US Election – Hillary Referendum . zip

2020 US Election – Hillary Referendum . zip (mirror)

Republican Candidates:

Ted Cruz

Marco Rubio

John Kasich

Nikki Haley

Rand Paul

Chris Christie

Larry Hogan

Brian Sandoval

Democratic Candidates:

Hillary Clinton

Tulsi Gabbard (undecided)

General Election Screenshot:

Republican Primary Screenshot: