1816 US Election
*This scenario was greatly updated by the Historical Scenario Commission on July 19, 2017 and again on February 8, 2018. Version 3.0 can be downloaded here: United States – 1816Final
Meanwhile, the Federalist Party was rapidly losing support, as its Pro-British tendencies were tantamount to treason. As such, they couldn’t expect to win.
Heading into the election, Madison’s Secretary of War, James Monroe, was heir apparent. However, Northern Republicans tiring of Virginians running the country, drafted Georgian William H. Crawford as an alternate candidate, hoping that he would get Southern and Northern support. Two other potentially strong candidates, Daniel Tompkins and Simon Snyder, withdrew before the nomination caucus.
What Really Happened?
Crawford nearly defeated Monroe for the nomination, despite refusing to exert himself. Crawford neither personally campaigned against Monroe, but he also didn’t prevent supporters from campaigning on his behalf. Monroe later made Crawford his Secretary of State, and Crawford assumed he would be Monroe’s heir in eight years.
Federalist were so disorganized that they failed to hold a convention, but Rufus King, through his own effort, emerged as the candidate of their party.
As could be expected, Monroe won in a landslide. Only Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Delaware voted for King.
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