After the return of the Chagos Archipelago, Pravind Jugnauth has called a general election to take advantage of the return of the Archipelago. Can the Militant Socialist Movement win re-election?

Here’s a scenario for the upcoming general election in Finland.
Here is a scenario for the 2022 local elections.
Will Boris Johnson be punished for partygate, or can his party avoid a devastating defeat?
Ahead of tomorrow’s Maltese general election, I decided to make a Maltese PMI scenario. You can access it here:
A scenario for Gibraltar’s 2019 general election.
The Socialist Labour Party is aiming for its third term in office. Can the centre-right Social Democrats, led by Keith Azopardi, thwart the GSLP-Libs? And what impact will Marlene Hassan Nahon’s new populist movement have on the future of Gibraltar?
The Isle of Man went to the polls in 2021. Here is a scenario based on this, with the added excitement of RCV.
With the Spanish general election on 28th April, here is a scenario for the election. I will adjust the figures once the actual results are in to reflect the changes.
Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez is facing a tough re-election fight as a C’s-PP-VOX alliance appears to be gaining ground. Can the Socialists win a majority along with their Podemos allies, or will the right wing parties win? Or will we end up in a situation where neither bloc has a majority and has to rely on nationalist parties?
Party ideologies:
PSOE: Socialist (Centre-Left)
PP: Christian Democratic (Centre-Right to Right-wing)
C’s: Liberal (Centre to centre-right)
UP: Socialist (Left to far-left)
VOX: Ultranationalist, Francoist (Far-Right)
ERC: Nationalist, Socialist (Left-Wing)
PDECAT: Nationalist, Liberal (Centre-Centre-Right)
PACMA: Animal rights, socialism (Left-wing)
PNV: Nationalist, Christian Democratic (Centre-Right)
EH-Bildu: Nationalist, Socialist (Left-Wing).
Party alliances:
Centre-Left: PSOE+UP
Centre-Right/Far Right: PP+C’s+VOX
Hi everyone! Here is a link to a scenario I made about last year’s election in New Zealand. This was very hard to make, since in New Zealand most of the Labour Party’s seats are list seats, and we do not have MMP or (Yet) preferences, unlike in real life, so it was difficult to make this. However, I came up with a solution, which was to add some MPs as a top up for the parties (To make up for a lack of a proportional list system) and as a result the scenario works perfectly. Try it out and see how you find it. I also added the Maori electorates as in real life.
Once we have preferences, or indeed MMP, I will update this scenario and add in the new electoral dynamics.
There also seems to be an error with high scores at the end, which I would like to correct, if someone can help me with finding out the reason for it?
“Note: preferences will be added in a future release.
After taking control of the Labour Party, Jacinda Ardern has shown herself to be a formidable campaigner. Can she lead Labour back into government or will Bill English and the Nationals win this hotly contested election?
This simulation uses a unique electoral system where, in addition to the Maori electorates, everyone will also have a list vote for list MPs on the North and South Island, and smaller parties are given list seats to reflect their vote share.”
Download here: NZ2017
A new scenario from our neck of the woods! London has critical local elections coming up in just a couple of weeks time (2nd May:,_2018 )
Can Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party inflict severe losses upon the Conservatives, led by Theresa May? The contest is heating up for several conservative controlled councils, with the Tories heading for their worst ever result in the capital city. Can Labour take the critical Tory councils of Barnett, Wandsworth, Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea and Hillingdon and show that it is on the way to a general election victory? Or will Theresa May and the Tories hang onto most of their councils and take the steam out of the Labour steamroller? Will the Liberal Democrats be able to capitalise on the anti Brexit tide, or will it be the Greens or UKIP who become the 3rd party in London instead?
Last local elections:,_2014
A good night for Labour: Taking Barnett, Tower Hamlets, and at least three other of the councils. Inflicting losses of above 200 Councillors on the Tories would inflict severe damage on the Conservative Party.
A good night for the Conservatives: Holding onto all or most of their councils and (At worst) losing Barnett, but taking back Havering from the independents. Fighting off the Liberal Democrats in Richmond and Kingston. Losses of less than 100, or potential gains, would be a very good result.
A good night for the Liberal Democrats: Holding onto Sutton, winning Richmond and Kingston Upon Thames would show that the anti Brexit vote is in full swing
A good night for the Greens/UKIP: Winning anything at all.
Click here to download this scenario: 2018-London Local elections
This is my first ever scenario! I have made a scenario for the Italian general election which occurred last week. Unfortunately there were a few glitches (E.g if you want to see an overall picture of the election in Italy you have to click on the black spaces between the electoral regions, otherwise for some reason it keeps showing the Piedmont result). Here are some screenshots and the download link. Enjoy!