Hello! I worked lately in the Brazilian Presidential Election 2014. Some things are made, others still need to be worked, etc., but the initial launch is ready.
Anyone who has criticism or opinions do not hesitate to give them, this is the first election I do. The game map is not very pretty.
Edit: The map was updated, my sincere thanks to Patine!
Edit 2: Added two smaller parties (PCB and PCO) and some candidates of the PT and PSDB. Add Mr and Mrs. for candidates without jobs. Next election year is 2018, I’m at work.
Edit 3: Two more off parties added (PTB and PP). New candidate for the PSDB, PSOL and PMDB.
Parties have added:
PT (ON):
Pres. Dilma Rousseff (ON)
Pres. Lula
Sen. Marta Suplicy
Sen. Eduardo Suplicy
Gov. Jaques Wagner
Sen. Humberto Costa
Sen. Gleisi Hoffmann
Sen. Lindbergh Farias
Sen. Aécio Neves (ON)
Gov. José Serra
Gov. Geraldo Alckmin
Pres. FHC
Gov. Antônio Anastasia
Gov. Beto Richa
Sen. Aloysio Nunes
Sen. Marina Silva (ON)
Gov. Eduardo Campos (Died in campaign)
Dep. Romário
Dep. Beto Albuquerque
Dep. Luciana Genro (ON)
Sen. Randolfe Rodrigues
Sen. Heloísa Helena
Dep. Plínio de Arruda Sampaio
Dep. Marcelo Freixo
Pastor Everaldo (ON)
Dep. Marcos Feliciano
PV (ON):
Dep. Eduardo Jorge (ON)
Levy Fidelix (ON)
Zé Maria (ON)
José Maria Eymael (ON)
Mauro Iasi (ON)
Rui Costa Pimenta (ON)
VP. Michel Temer
Gov. Luiz Fernando Pezão
Mayor Eduardo Paes
Pres. José Sarney
Gov. Roseana Sarney
Sen. Renan Calheiros
Dep. Eduardo Cunha
Sen. Romero Jucá
Sen. Eunício Oliveira
Pres. Fernando Collor de Mello
Dep. Paulo Maluf
Dep. Esperidião Amin
Two parties that launched candidates in 2014 have not yet been added. Also I intend to add more possible candidates. Any errors, inaccuracies or something like that let me know.
Brazil – 2014 3