Brian Mulroney’s Conservatives have faced tough times since their landslide in 1984, and have staked their mandate on their new US-Canada Free Trade Agreement. John Turner hopes to end the FTA and reclaim the PM’s office on a revival of Canadian nationalism, while Ed Broadbent sees the perfect chance to bring the NDP to new heights. Preston Manning is standing for Western interests. This election is about the FTA and only about that, however, the future winner will have to face Meech Lake, abortion, and other challenges.

This is currently the largest work within the CHC. To a large extent, this was made possible by the work of the original author, as well as a wide range of works on these elections. This creates unique scenarios:

LIB: Allan MacEachen, Jean Chrйtien, John Turner, Pierre Trudeau, Lloyd Axworthy
NDP: Simon de Jong, Dave Barrett, Ed Broadbent, Phil Edmonston
Others: Preston Manning (Reform), Elmer Knutson (COR), Ed VanWoudenberg (CHP), Kathryn Cholette (Green), Robert Toupin (Ind. MP from Terrebonne)
- What if Mulroney never decided on an FTA and was replaced by Don Mazankowski?
- What if the Liberals staged a coup before the election and installed Chrétien?
- What if Trudeau and Clark meet in a rematch of 1979-80?
- What if three Québec leaders will confront each other?
Needless to say, the campaign includes >50 events and 35 endorsers to make your gameplay exciting and challenging. Also, although Free Trade discussion takes up all the space, many other issues are also not left out.
Because this is more than an election. This is your future.. or, at least, a few entertaining evenings.