(This is 2024 campaign, set in our own timeline, where Biden wins in 2020.)
Compatible with 3.1.1
The 2024 Election is set to be another deeply divisive election. President Joe Biden, despite earlier looking like he was going to enter the race, has decided not to run. The Democratic Field is occupied by many, but most notably Vice President Kamala Harris, and the ambitious Pete Buttigieg. Who can win? – The Republican field is much more simple, the President before Biden, Donald Trump refuses to accept the results of even the 2020 election, and is ready to “win for a third time”, facing a field including his own Former Vice President, Mike Pence. Can Trump win the primary, and ultimately win his second-term? Also in the fray, is independent candidate, and ex-Republican, John Kasich running a “moderate-conservative” campaign, can he prevent Trump in cementing his role as conservative leader? Who will win? You decide.
Democratic Nominees:
Kamala Harris
Pete Buttigeg
Beto O’Rourke
Raphael Warnock
John Fetterman
Mike Bloomberg
Republican Nominees:
Donald Trump
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Nikki Haley
Chris Sununu
General Election Screenshot:

Democratic Primary Screenshot:

Republican Primary Screenshot:

United States – 2024 – (Biden Wins 2020) . zip: below
download link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UPBHCUCrxiVZEsA2GdlJHOAY5lFnmS9_/view?usp=sharing
Why not make it compatible with the current game? Version 3.1.1 doesn’t work on mac.
@Christopher , the reason I don’t is because when I convert my campaigns, it breaks many of the custom issues, and in-game percentages. Meaning in this campaign something terribly unrealistic like Democrats winning Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama would/could happen.
I’ll consider making new campaigns, on the newest update, this campaign has also been in-progress for a little bit, on the backburner.
Dude where’s Bernie Sanders?
During the making of this mod I was confident Bernie wouldn’t run in 2024 – and I thought it would be a little silly, that the oldest President of all time (Biden) decides to run for only one term, in part due to age, and then a candidate even older then him could win.