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This is an alternate-history campaign, where President John Kerry faces re-election.
Background: John Kerry narrowly won the Presidency in 2004, despite not winning the popular vote, due to a surprise, and narrow victory in Ohio. John Kerry’s presidency starts with relatively high hopes, due to him promising a peace deal in Iraq, by 2006. Kerry’s presidency quickly falls into disaster, and he proves to be the most unpopular president since Jimmy Carter. The Republican Party is home to an close primary due to the high likelihood of a Republican victory in 2008, and Ralph Nader is once again back, this time trying to rely on the populism of 2008, to propel his left-wing campaign.
Can Kerry and Edwards avoid the fate of Carter and Mondale, and win re-election?
2004 Presidential Election
Democratic Nominees:
John Kerry
Al Sharpton
Republican Nominees:
Mike Huckabee
Rudy Giuliani
Jeb Bush
Mitt Romney
George Pataki
Ron Paul
Herman Cain
General Election Screenshot:
Democratic Primary Screenshot:
Republican Primary Screenshot:
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