After winning the 2016 in an upset, Trump faces some challenges from within the party and from outside of the party. The Democratic side is wide open after they experienced gains in Governorships and a wave that flipped the House despite losing seats in the Senate in 2018.
Version 2.0 (12/23/2018)
This is the first update I have posted in a long time. This update is comprehensive. I changed quite a few %’s and changed all endorsers to match the actual 116th Congress and new set of Governors. I have also shifted some candidates from off->on and on->off. Democratic candidates that have now been added are Beto O’Rourke, Richard Ojeda, Jay Inslee, Sherrod Brown & Michael Bloomberg. It’s still pretty rough around the edges, but it’s something.
Looks good, but no Lincoln Chafee 🙁
I’m a turn in and i get an error clicking on endorsement- Bitmap size must be equal in copy operation
I will take a look at the error issue when I get home. Do you mean just opening the endorsement window or clicking on a particular endorser?
Might add Chafee at some point, at least as a potential VP.
I have fixed the following and will be uploading an updated file later today:
-Other Republicans begin on the ballot than just Trump.
-Harry Reid -> Catherine Cortez Masto
Well I couldnt open it ,skipped a turn ahead but could then, though sometimes everytime i click on a candiate when I get in the error comes up and then just have to get rid of it everytime.
Good to know, also Brooker get any random boasts as I’m playing as Harris comfortably ahead then in December then he randomly boasts in Iowa,New Hampshire and Nevada by large margins and I havent had any scandal as far as I can tell. Maybe I was just unlucky.
Spotted one era, Harris ingame is center right in terms of gun control , but according to her wiki ‘Harris has been a vocal proponent for gun control her entire career. While serving as District Attorney in Alameda County Harris recruited other District Attorneys and filed an amicus brief in District of Columbia v. Heller, arguing that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual’s right to own firearms.[106] Harris also supported San Francisco’s proposition H, which would have prohibited most firearms within city limits’
Also getting Hilary Clinton endorsement gets you Bill Clinton as a suffargate not Hillary
Updated to 1.3
Chris Murphy & Tulsi Gabbard added.
fingers crossed that 1.3.2 will fix the endorser error problem…
Looks good, can’t seem to select the new version
try deleting the old file and then unzip the new one.
No Kander, no franken, and clicking on Warren Buffett gave me an error message saying bitmap must be equal in size.
Yeah deleted it twice,put it in both user and scenarios, no luck
I will take a look at it this afternoon and see what I can do.
1.5.1 fixes the weird save issue. So Franken & Kander should now show up. With this version, I can’t recreate the issue with Warren Buffet, so maybe this fixed that to? Let me know. There is a known error when opening up the endorser screen that Milo pointed out earlier, and that I sent Anthony for him to take a look.
Kander and Franken aren’t showing up for me either and this is the first time I’ve downloaded this scenario.
However from what I can tell,this is shaping up to be a pretty good 2020 scenario.
Have you downloaded the file since 6:55 EST? The one I uploaded then has Franken and Kander. there was an issue with the file, but it should be fixed now. Looks like you commented 8 minutes after I uploaded the fix.
Redownloaded it and it’s working now! Thanks!
Some suggested candidates:
– Howard Schultz (Fmr. Starbucks CEO)
– Tom Steyer (Hedge fund manager & philanthropist)
– Ben Sasse (NE Representative & prominent Trump critic)
– Dwayne Johnson (yes, seriously:
– Winona LaDuke (Ralph Nader’s VP in 2000; endorsed by a WA faithless elector in 2016)
Also can’t forget Kanye West…
Minor update with 4 new candidates. Schultz is on my list of candidates to add for Dems. Hadn’t given Steyer any thought yet. Will look into him.
I will probably throw Kanye in. If nothing else it would be fun.
I currently have at least 4-5 other Democrats I plan to add soon, at least as VP’s. The list includes John Bel Edwards and, for fun (and since she’s always talked about and maybe Trump could be what changes her mind about running for office), Oprah Winfrey.
Looks good, can’t wait to try new candidates, please add Chafee, he’s my very hard candidate
One suggestion I have is that you should add Roy Cooper (North Carolina Democratic governor) either as a running mate or a presidential candidate
Quite a bit in this update. Note that some of the VP’s may become leaders at some point. I just threw them there for now. Scenario still FAR from complete.
How do you change update intervals on election night?
it’s in the political_units XML file
Just want to say Thanks, had a good game, only suggestion add a democratic debate late on around New York before Calfironia as with so many candiates there’ll usually be one or two left. Also after the convetion when you pick the VP after I select one to look at I can’t reselect another one to view had to stick with my first choice, might just being an idiot.Also Trump changes his VP how likely is he to keep Pence?. Occassional error with endorsement still popping up. Put other than that had a good game to say the least
Uploading 1.6.1 in a second: (super minor update) I just added a new Debate and removed all other VP’s for Trump besides Pence. It would really be something if he dropped Pence from the the ticket. I would be less surprised to see Trump resign and then Pence run in 2020 than to see Trump run for reelection without Pence. I wish there was a way to make the computer always pick a particular VP but allow the player to pick anyone. Same problem with the 2012 official scenario. Fun to see if Obama had put Clinton on the 2012 ticket, but it’s unrealistic for the Computer to do it.
One of my future plans for the scenario is adding one major newspaper for every state on as an endorser. It will be a specific localized endorser like Senators are. I will also be adding a few more members of Trump’s cabinet. Maybe a few more higher profile congressmen.
I got bored so I just finished adding a newspaper for every state. (NY and Iowa already had papers in the game so I didn’t add one there. Also didn’t add one for DC since Post and Times are both already in the game)
Will be uploading in a few moments. This is 1.7
Thanks for the consistent updates. Plenty more to come, I’m sure…
To make this page less cumbersome: I am going to keep moving all but the most recent set of change-log here:
It was starting to get too lengthy here. But, that way it is still there.
Still getting endorser bug on Mac, otherwise a great scenario though.
endorser bug fixed thanks to Anthony
a couple minor updates on endorsers – 1.7.3
One minor issue- Joni Ernst in the Republican primary seems to replicate Trump’s numbers and colour, so she’s basically the President in her strength in the primary.
@TomF Fixed (1.7.4)
Keep getting a Access Violation error when I start the games from the primaries.
Hey, it would be cool if you could add the candidates mentioned on Wikipedia.,_2020
Republicans: Jack Fellure
Democrats: Governor John Bel Edwards, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Governor Jerry Brown, Governor Terry McAuliffe, Rocky De La Fuente, Geoffrey Fieger, and Tom Steyer. Howard Schultz and Bob Iger would also both be good.
Independents: Governor John Kasich, Jeremy Gable, Dan Rattiner