Under Brian Mulroney, the PC party has governed Canada since 1984. A large recession, the fight over the GST, and the collapse of the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords destroyed Brian Mulroney’s final term. Kim Campbell has now been selected Prime Minister after Mulroney’s resignation. Now, Kim Campbell hopes to have a clean slate and salvage Progressive Conservative fortunes. But with an economic recession and Mulroney’s unfavorable policies still in voters’ minds, along with the rise of two strong regional parties in the West and Québec, will the new Prime Minister be able to hold off Chrétien’s Liberals?
Feel free to give feedback 🙂

Looks good!
Enjoyed playing it! Do you plan on doing scenarios for 1997, etc?
I’m currently working on a 1997 scenario but my internet has been down lately and it’s been delayed. I also plan to do more scenarios, but as it’s basically a one man job it’s slow.
I Have a half-completed 1997 scenario. You can use it to build yours if you want.