I’ve created a new 2016 campaign with all of the minor candidates who are absent from the official campaign, as well as adding a few new parties. I also made some changes to the Libertarians and Bloomberg.
United States – 2016 More Candidates 1.2
- New Candidates:
Gov. George Pataki – R
Gov. Jim Gilmore – R
Amb. John Bolton – R
Cmsr. Mark Everson – R
Prof. Larry Lessig – D
Gov. Lincoln Chafee – D
Mr. Rocky de la Fuente – D
Mr. John McAfee – L
Mr. Austin Petersen – L
Mr. Darrel Castle – C
Mr. Scott Copeland – C
Gen. James Mattis – F
Sen. Tom Coburn – F
Vice Pres. Dick Cheney – F
Gov. Rick Perry – F - Added the Constitution Party
Mr. Darrel Castle – C
Mr. Scott Copeland – C
Vice-Presidential Option:
Mr. Scott Bradley
Initial polling at 1% in Wyoming and South Dakota, 0% everywhere else. Based off of 2012 results. Ballot access includes the states that the party expects to be on the ballot on. - Added the Federalist Party
Candidates:Gen. James Mattis – F
Sen. Tom Coburn – F
Vice Pres. Dick Cheney – F
Gov. Rick Perry – F
Vice-Presidential Option:
Sen. Ben Sasse
Hypothetical conservative, Trump-alternative third party. Not recommend for use during the primaries. - New Primary Start Dates:
January 1st, 2015
April 1st, 2015
Each date has national polling, the correct undecided candidates, and FEC numbers, if applicable. - New General Start Date:
July 1st, 2016
Note that there are no conventions. Each nominee must be chosen manually. - Libertarian Party Rework:
Polling is more reasonable between the five start dates. McAfee and Petersen improve as time passes, while Ventura and Johnson decline slightly.
The Libertarian Debate has been moved to April 1st 2016, the date of the upcoming Fox Business debate. Ballot access has been updated to all 50 states, as the party appears to be on track to be on every ballot. - Spectator Party:
No money and no ballot access means you are free to observe the election as it unfolds. - Polling Boost for Bloomberg:
He starts with at least 8% nationwide, and more in the northeast. - Vice-Presidents for Bloomberg:
Gov. Ed Rendell
Mr. Howard Schultz
Gov. Charlie Crist
Rep. Joe Scarborough
Gov. Bill Walker
Adm. Michael Mullen - Slight Stats Changes
Mostly for candidates’ ambition scores.
*Last Updated 4/24/2016*
Version 1.2 for President Infinity 2.2.6
I’ve been waiting for you to release this for a while.
I’ll definitely try it out! 🙂
This is really cool,thanks for making it.
Bloomberg needs a convention so he’ll get a VP or the VP debates can crash if he qualifies. (Which he almost always does now with your boost to him.)
Other than that, no complaints. I really needed The Gilmore Man.
Just a suggestion but could you add more third parties like reform or consitution parties?
Access violation at address 00475CE6 in module ‘p4e16.exe’. Read of address 00000008.
I’ll be posting an updated version later today that fixes the Bloomberg bug and adds some new parties.
Just released version 1.2.
the error I posted was my results in P4E16, even in 1.2
This scenario is for President Infinity, not President Forever 2016.
“Hypothetical conservative, Trump-alternative third party. Not recommend for use during the primaries.” what do you mean by “not recommended for use during the primaries?” Does it mess things up or is it difficult to play?