President Infinity, Congress Infinity, Prime Minister Infinity
- Download the .zip campaign file from
- Run the game, and press New Game.
- Press Change Campaign.
- Press Import.
- Press Zip.
- Find the .zip campaign file you just downloaded. By default, these are usually stored in the Downloads folder on your computer.
- Press Open.
- The campaign should now be added to your campaigns list.
President Forever 2008 + Primaries
For Windows:
1. Download the scenario .zip file to your desktop.
2. Open the scenario .zip file.
3. Right click on the folder inside the .zip file (for example, the ‘California Gubernatorial – 2010’ folder), and click ‘Copy’.
4. Open your File Explorer, and go to C:->Program Files->President Forever 2008 + Primaries->Scenarios. For Windows 10, Program Files will be Program Files (x86) instead.
(Note: you might have to go to a difference hard drive than ‘C:’ above – whichever hard drive you installed President Forever 2008 + Primaries to.)
5. Click ‘Edit’ on the Scenarios folder window menu bar OR right-click on the empty space in the Scenarios folder window.
6. Click ‘Paste’.
Congratulations, you should now have a new scenario installed!
For non-Windows xp and non-Vista:
1. Download the scenario .zip file to your desktop.
2. Make sure you have unzipping software installed (a trial version of WinZip is available here for free).
3. Run your unzipping program, and extract the contents to
MyComputer->C:->Program Files->President Forever->Scenarios.
4. Now close your unzipping software.
Congratulations, you should now have a new scenario installed!
Prime Minister Forever, Chancellor Forever, Premier Forever (all versions)
For Windows xp and Vista:
1. Download the scenario .zip file to your desktop.
2. Open the scenario .zip file.
3. Right click on the folder inside the .zip file (for example, the ‘1968mm’ folder), and click ‘Copy’.
4. Open MyComputer->C:->Program Files->Prime Minister Forever->Scenarios.
(Note: you might have to go to a differenct hard drive than ‘C:’ above – whichever hard drive you installed Prime Minister Forever to.)
5. Click ‘Edit’ on the Scenarios folder window menu bar OR right-click on the empty space in the Scenarios folder window.
6. Click ‘Paste’.
If you are using Prime Minister Forever – British or Prime Minister Forever – Canada/Australia version 1.00.3 or higher, congratulations, you should now have a new scenario installed!
7. If not, all you need to do is modify the scenarios.p4e file. Right-click on the scenarios.txt file, and click ‘Open With’. Click ‘Notepad’.
8. Add the name of the new folder you just copied to the Scenarios folder to the bottom of the list (for example, ‘1968mm’), followed by a forward slash (so, ‘1968mm/’ without the inverted commas).
9. Click ‘File’ from the Notepad menu, then ‘Save’. Then exit out of Notepad.
Congratulations, you should now have a new scenario installed!
For non-Windows xp and Vista:
1. Download the scenario .zip file to your desktop.
2. Make sure you have unzipping software installed (a trial version of WinZip is available here for free).
3. Run your unzipping program, and extract the contents to
MyComputer->C:->Program Files->Prime Minister Forever->Scenarios.
4. Now close your unzipping software.
If you are using Prime Minister Forever – British or Prime Minister Forever – Canada/Australia version 1.00.3 or higher, congratulations, you should now have a new scenario installed!
5. If not, all you need to do is modify the scenarios.p4e file. Open MyComputer->C:->Program Files->Prime Minister Forever->Scenarios.
6. Right-click on the scenarios.txt file, and click ‘Open With’. Click ‘Notepad’.
7. Add the name of the new folder you just copied to the Scenarios folder to the bottom of the list (for example, ‘1968mm’), followed by a forward slash (so, ‘1968mm/’ without the inverted commas).
8. Click ‘File’ from the Notepad menu, then ‘Save’.
Congratulations, you should now have a new scenario installed!